Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jorts, Swimming Pools, and Computer Lessons

Last few weeks in a nutshell...

Inspired by some guy friends here with impeccable taste, I made myself some jorts. Used market Levis, some scissors, ten minutes, and…viola!. They are both pleasing to the eyes (actual amount of truth may vary) and extremely comfortable (truth!).

I now know why my neighbors are deathly afraid of the caterpillars. Walking around my house at night without my headlamp, I barefootedly (not a real word) stepped on one. Think of a tiny little porcupine that sticks you with tiny little tines of cactus. It took me 30 minutes with my headlamp and tweezers to get most of them out. A bunch stayed in my toes. It took about 2 weeks for my foot to forget they were there.

All 3 books of the Hunger Games: check! Loved them.

With a few friends, I visited some crater lakes in the Western region of Uganda. Beautiful scenery and a relaxing atmosphere made for a fun weekend. There were monkeys everywhere! Traveling back to my site, I saw a couple elephants on the side of the road…TIA.

For Cormacs birthday, I met up with some friends at a place called Kingfisher Lodge. They have a rockin’ pool on top of a hill that overlooks Queen Elizabeth National Park. Totally worth the 5,000 shillings it costs to swim.

At my site, work has picked up. My organization wanted to implement a computer training program, where people from the village can come in and learn how to use a computer, for a small fee. Because I’ve seen a computer made after the year 1998, I was deemed the computer genius and was put in charge of creating lesson plans and a curriculum. I now have a few students who come in for 1 hour a day, 5 days a week. Teaching introduction to computers is like teaching computers to my new cousin, Ford, whom I had no idea existed until a few days ago. Thanks, family, for keeping me in the loop. I didn’t even know Lindsey was preggers.

I love my PC service right now. I am actually working during the week, and I’m traveling throughout the country a couple times a month to do and see things I’ve always wanted to do and see but just never got around to. Because my service is on the down slope, I have to start thinking about life after Peace Corps. If anyone out there wants to hire me, let me know. I am now taking suggestions for career paths…


  1. whatever your career path is, make sure it is in the Austin area. You can move in with me, or Everett can move in with you. Maybe Emory, too. And Davis.
    7 more weeks until school is out!

  2. Open a jorts factory in Breckenridge? I sense it might be one of the few places with the demand to meet what your handiwork could supply.

  3. Glad to get the blog update. So where is the picture of the "jorts"?
