Friday, December 3, 2010

T-giving, queso, and HP

Language Barrier
Language: The main barrier of integration into the Ugandan life. I’m trying my best to learn my local language, but it is made difficult with similar sounding words. This picture, taken straight from my language dictionary, should explain my frustration.

Although I would have loved to spend Thanksgiving at the ranch with my family, this year was exceptional. Thanks to the culinary expertise of a one Ms. C. Prouty, we had a feast that would make Paula Deen proud. Mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, gravy…all the necessities. The meal was concluded with a friendly game of duct tape baseball. The bat: a cardboard shipping tube. The ball: a wad of paper held together by loads of duct tape. First base: banana tree. Second base: avacado tree. Third base: an old tire. Good times all around with the best company anyone could ask for.

Harry Potter 7 part 1
I went to see the new Harry Potter at the theatre in Kampala. It was a little more than half full, and there were only 2 kids. The rest were eager adults, waiting to see what crazy thing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will do next. The movie was great, and I can’t wait for 7 part 2. I loved how when something scary/exciting would happen, you would hear “oh s**t!” echo throughout the theatre. Good thing there weren’t but 2 kids there.

Queso: an Experience
Thanksgiving weekend was topped off with a hefty helping of chips, queso, sour cream enchiladas, and a margarita. Oh queso, how I’ve missed you.

Another Mouse
I caught another mouse. Although this is the first one in my house, it is the 4th total in Uganda. How did I catch him, you ask? With non other, than duct tape. I simply laid a piece of duct tape on the ground, sticky side up, where I thought he would probably run. BINGO! 20 minutes later, he was mine.

To Rafiki: verb. to hold ones computer up over ones head in order to attain adequate internet service. Example, "Today, I pulled a Rafiki to get onto facebook". See, "To Simba".

1 comment:

  1. You truly have some unique experiences and memories you will never forget.

    I have to say, you are a brave sole though. I saw a mouse in my house once and after mustering enough guts to FINALLY get off my couch. (It only took 20 minutes) I packed my bag and went and slept at my parents house.

    I shouldn't be scared of the little wee thing BUT I've been tramatized by the time, when in High School, that I opened our pantry door and a mouse jumped onto my chest. I looked down, he looked up, he turned and ran down the legnth of my body. It didn't take long for me to leave...2 long running jumps and I was couch bound till my family came home.

    What was sadder than the fact that I was assalted by a mouse was that this was pre remote control days and I was stuck watching a sucky channel. Boy, I need to learn to be more brave!
