Monday, September 6, 2010

From Bucket Heaving to Bible Reading

I have officially had my first bout of illness in Uganda. I have also officially vomited into a bucket, as well as a 5” X 7” hole in the ground, with pinpoint precision and accuracy. It’s just another skill to add onto the good ‘ole resume. The Peace Corps Medical Officer moved me from my home stay to our training facility, so that I could have a regular bathroom in my heaving glory. Too bad the worst was over by the time I got there…but it was nice to have it nonetheless. The drive to the training facility was like an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. When we got there, I felt like I should scarf a can of cat food, huff some glue, and pass out. I would have, but I was too busy walking down the hall AND puking in a bucket while the innkeeper showed me to my room.

Twice at my home stay we have had a dish(?) that had something in it that I knew not what it was. It looked like meat, yet it also looked reminiscent of some sort of sea creature that I wouldn’t touch with a 39 ½ inch pole. I avoided it both times, pretending that the encounter never happened. It wasn’t until this week as I was walking through the market, that I saw something sprawled out on a slab waiting to be chopped up and sold. I knew instantly that this was the mystery meat…yet it was not meat at all. It, as I found out after some regretful questioning, is cow stomach. This gives “stew surprise” a whole new meaning.

Question: How many Muzungus and their backpacks can fit into a Peace Corps Range Rover?
Answer: 12, with room for a couple more people and at least 1 goat

I found out that the woman who conducted my Economic Development interview was in the movie The Last King of Scotland as the Medical Officer who replaces the one who was killed. I thought she looked familiar…

Training for Econ Dev is going good so far. Everything that we have talked about and been taught about business and development, I already learned in TCU Ranch Management School. After going through the RM program and being extremely detailed in everything, I find myself critiquing the presentations and thinking, “That wasn’t done very well”, or, “Nope, that’s wrong”. I feel bad about being hard on these presentations, but I am also pretty pleased with myself that I know enough about the topic to be able to point out discrepancies (but not to their face, of course).
Thank you, Ranch Management, for creating an organized and detail-oriented monster.

Walking back to my home stay from a nice little joint called “New Friends”, I saw my home stay sister and brother outside of a salon. They were waiting on Fiona, the house girl, who was inside getting a haircut (buzz cut). I stuck around to walk back home with them and catch up on their activities for the day. Fiona, who speaks zero English, motions for us to stop at a photo shop on the way back. They all walk in and stare at me. The photographer waves me in. Apparently, I’m supposed to be a part of this photo shoot. I’m wearing a Texas Rangers baseball cap at the moment, along with my last clean shirt and last clean skirt.
They don’t match.
I protest, but this gets me nowhere, as I am the only one who can really understand what I’m saying. Finally, after much hand gesturing on their part, I join the picture. I squeeze past the desk and into the shop, which I now see has a forest backdrop. I take off my cap, make sure that my hair is matted down on my head just so, and awkwardly smile into the camera.

I hope to one day see this picture in an oval frame hanging on the wall.

This is the first year, which I can remember, that I have not gone and spent Labor Day weekend in Woodson, Texas. It doesn’t even feel like it should be September, because I haven’t kicked it off with a bang (literally) or sustained a minor injury from a cutthroat Spoons tournament. I hope that everyone had a good time and ate tons of food for me. I love you all!

I have started my “bible in a year” readings. So far, so good.

Question: Is the tree of life still guarded?
Read Genesis 3:24 and get back to me.

I have really taken for granted being around people with the same beliefs as myself. It really is a gift.


  1. Hey there Jen-naaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Missed you in Woodson, but the birds did not show up either. No spoons tournament so there were no cuts or bruises to take home. So glad you are better and have your sense of humor back. Keep those updates coming. Love you lots, "favorite daughter". Mom

  2. Have you identified what made you sick.....
    I hear cow stomach is not that bad! Will be fun to see what you actually end up eating while you are there. We obviously were not in Woodson so glad to hear we did not miss a spoons tournament.
