Friday, August 6, 2010

Snip Snip

20 minutes and 7 inches later, my hair is ready for Uganda.

In anticipation of bucket showers, limited availability to stores, and no electricity, I got a haircut. There was a brief moment when I considered going GI Jane, but a mental image and quick shudder instantly shot that idea right in the face.

I believe that I'll use the money I save on shampoo to buy myself something really Imodium.


  1. :))))))))))))))))))

  2. Smart idea! You might not be able to take care of your long hair there so it's probably better you cut it.

  3. lol at imodium! omg this will be a wonderful experience!

  4. So glad I found your blog as I am intrigued to see how you get on in Uganda. I spent a year volunteering in Africa when I was 18 and love reading other peoples experiences. I'm sure you will LOVE it as much as I did. :)

  5. Hey love your blog! I'll definitely be following your adventures! I almost joined the Peace Corps and it'll be great to hear all about what you do :)
