Friday, August 6, 2010

2 Years In 2 Bags

Deciding what to take with me for 2 years and what to leave behind is the easy part. Arranging and packing into bags the things I'll take is another story. Weight and size restrictions really add a little something special to the whole packing experience. I've managed to get everything I want to take into two bags, and plan to buy more clothes and necessities in country. Despite accusations of not packing enough and being wildly unprepared (mom), I feel confident that I have what I need to get by until I get the lay of the land and am able to purchase "blending in" clothes.

...and if I forget something, so what? Somebody can mail it to me.


  1. Wow, I am such a huge packer myself... I always bring massive bags when I go home for the weekend. I have no idea how i could fit everything into two small bags! Props to you for knowing what to pack!!
    Good luck!

    P.S. I found you on 20SB
